Where we started!

Hello guys,

This is The Flowing Ink, one place that can take you to a world, full of imagination and creativity! This is an author and a poet who will try giving you the finest of his works.
Are you ready to see all of my works? And you all might be thinking that this is just a piece of cake writing in such a big platform. That is why I am so much interested, will be waiting for comments telling me about how you loved my verses and how you were either wiping off tears from the nook of your eyes, or did my story really made you smile from inside!
This a platform where I can showcase my true caliber and I could write things for all of you! Also The Flowing Ink is my imagination of written literature! When I was creating this blog this application forced my to think for at least two hours and this name landed out of nowhere inside my small little head. And thus you are here sitting with a mug of hot coffee reading about me! 
One more thing I will not only be posting stuff in English but also in Hindi! So all of you fasten your seat belts as you are entering the world filled with laughter and tears! and repeat with me:  
SO ARE YOU READY!!!!!!     

This is my place of work😁


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